The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2025)

Travel August 11, 1 974 S.F, Sundoy Examiner Chronicle) Insurance: Qn a wins and a fare you don't have one of those cards (which cost $15 year), you should apply for HAWAII a free credit card from Trans World Airlines before you go. Another suggestion, and I think the most practical one yet, is to be sure you have a credit card with you. If you already have one of the cards, such as American Express or Diner's Club, you won't have a problem. My own suggestion is if You already will have established vour credit with TWA and thus avoid the problem of paying cash. Four of the five hotels actually on Waikiki Beach are Sheraton hotels.

A fifth Sheraton is just across I the street. BY THE WEEK By Leonard M. Groupe There is a travel problem most travel agents never mention. It concerns the risk to virtually all travelers if they're flying for less than the regular fare. This includes everybody going by charter, on a tour, a package deal or on one of those 14 to 21 day or 22 to 45 day excursions.

If an emergency arises and you have to fly home ahead of schedule or are delayed and can't fly back on time, your return ticket may not be honored. You may be in big trouble if you "don't have enough extra cash for a regular fare ticket home. The extra cost of coming home early or late can amount to more than $500 per person. I have said the implications were frightening and asked for readers' experiences and suggestions that I could pass on. Much of the advice I received concerns a form of insurance called Air Fare Protector.

At least three companies write it Continental Casualty, Mutual of Omaha and lem. All they do is reimburse you for the additional expense after you get home. As important as that may be, it won't help you get home if you haven't enough money with you for the ticket. It was suggested you could call or write somebody at home to get your return tickets and air mail them to you. Then you could repay him with what you get from the insurance company.

Another suggestion was to go to the U.S. Embassy or consulate. That's a good suggestion for friendly advice in a foreign country, but I'm afraid that without some international crisis such as war or revolution (in which case everything possible will be done to protect and assist you), the diplomatic people can't help much with personal problems. The State Department is no Travelers Aid. Another suggestion was to see the local manager of the airline that can fly you home and ask his help.

Officially, he doesn't have to do. a thing, but if he wants to cut some corners in an emergency, lie in a position to do so. Your own Condominium Apartmtnt completely furnished plus a car, 7 Enjoy beautiful Kihei with 33131 swimming pool and beach .4 i--. it. jfll CAPt TOWh the sun and sand of Maui.

Conveniently close to golf, tennis, stores, and restaurants. Only $210.00 a week for two including your car Try our all expense package: 8 days 7 nights 2 people $337.00 each 8 days 7 nights 4 people 298.50 each 1 1 days 10 nights 2 people 382.00 each 1 1 days 10 nights 4 people 327.00 each The action in Abidjan ncludct round trip elr fere, eloha 11 greeting, and full ut of horn or pert inent witn unlimited uie or tnevy wagon (no mileage energeiij piut laxea. HAWAII HOMES 457 Lakeview Way, Redwood City, Ca. 94062 OH CALL COLLECT (415) 3654)666 from 7:30 9:30 p.m Monfrl. Sat.

m. -From Page 1 Ghana Embassy with me. 24 hour Aniwenng Service, OR tend bOc for 22 page lull-color, 78 picture of umti. Privately owned by Mr. and Mra.

Clifford V. Horn. WEEK IN WAIKIKI Sheraton puts you right on WaikUd For only a few dollars more than hotels blocks from the beach. Call 800-325-3535. Or call your travel agent.

Princess Kaiulanl (Just across tha street) )- $8.50 to $13J0 WiXi SATURDAY DEPARTURES Featuring CINERAMA REEF HOTEL ON WAIKIKI BEACH Round trip Pan Am 747 "Rainbow" Hot Meal Service and Champagne Luncheon 8 Days-7 Nights Reef Hotel on Waikiki Beach Round Trip Transfers South Seas Shell Lei Hertz Car Rental 1 Day, Unlimited Mileage Gas) Catamaran Sail Off Waikiki Beach A Pleasant Breakfast Mai Tai Partv MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED I asked another man the way to the market, meaning the local one. He thought I meant the streets around the Hotel du Pare and its sidewalk cafe. He walked with me awhile. "You will find plenty of whites there," he said. "Where do you come from?" "The United States," I answered.

"California. San Francisco." "So far away from everything," he frowned. "You will never come back." "I shall return," I told him. And I meant it. are empty now and decaying under th hot African sun.

Right on the edge of Abidjan in the Banco National Forest, you are far indeed from Middle West in the thick dark where animals breathe beyond your tight and brilliant birds dart in and out of vision like lightning and the rich, moist earth speaks of primal things. I had read that Ivori-ans are the hustlers of Black Africa. The pace is hard, the books said, and there is little time for grace and amenities. Yet I lost my way in a muddle of streets where This insurance covers the additional fare you have to pay should illness or Injury force a change in travel plans. Although the Continental policy will cover both a man and wife traveling together for loss due to sickness or accident that involves either one, it doesn't cover an emergency at home that requires you to return home immediately such as a death in the family.

I'm told the policies of Mutual of Omaha and Travelers do cover this. However, none of these policies solve the real prob FULL PRICE INC. ALL TAXES PER PERSON DBA OCCUPANCY Pan Am CALL "TOLL FREE" Full Color Hawaiian Memory Album, and more! 2 ISLANDS 8 DAYS $335.00 PLEASANT HAWAIIAN HOLIDAYS 150 POWELL ST. SAN FRANCISCO 94102 (415) 391-1400 1 $18'50 800-352-5677 oyal Hawauan. eft 4m'k! tF $14.00 to 5, Per person double occupancy Sheraton Hotels in Hawaii SHERATON HOTELS AND MOTOR INNS.

A WORLDWIDE SERVICK OrlTI white meets black Abidjan. A bank guard found time to walk several blocks to the TO OUR OFFICE FOR SIZE 28" 22" COME Qfl 8 DAYS O. BOX 8559, HONOLULU. HAWAII 96815 808922-442? PMwiJ. JBSSBSuk And on the Neighbor Islands LU 0 from Sheraton-Maui Shcraton-Kauai on Kaanapali Beach on Poipu Beach $14.50 to $22.50 $13.25 to $17.50 30 TJ CO JO Weekly SATURDAY Departures 8 $359.00 12 days.

$539.00 SATURDAY DEPARTURES Price includes: Roundtrip Jet on PANAM'i 747 First Class Hotel accomodations TransfersBaggage handling Sightseeing (12 days includes: Antigua, Lake Atitlan, Chichicastenango, Quetzalten-ango and TIKAL) many meals "Plus 10 Tax and Service 1 WEEK 2 WEEKS $269 plus tax aarvicea $443 plus lax services The changing face of Paris PARIS Certain streets of old Paris are getting new names, names more familiar to Americans than most of those from French history. Rue Toulouse-Lautrec is a new street between 1'-Avenue de. la Porte de Saint Ouen in Paris and Rue de la Fontaine in Saint-Ouen. Rue Sigmund Freud stretches from 1' Avenue de la Porte du Pre Saint Ger-vais to l'Avenue de la Porte de Chaumont. These and other changes indicate the traveler should obtain new street maps when wandering beyond the central area of Paris.

Tour prices include round-trip jet transportation trom San Francisco and cruise accommodations: 7 Days Caribbean AirSea Cruise From $539 Ports of call include San Juan, St. Thomas and Ifassau, Aboard the tss Mardi Gras (Panamanian Registry), All meals on board ship, transfers and porterage Your "Monday Aloha Holiday" Includes a Special roundtrip group air fare with meal and champagne enroutel Arrive and depart every Monday via United Air Lines! 7 nights air-conditioned hotel accommodations in Waikiki! Aloha lei greeting! Transfers, baggage handling and tips! Get-Acquainted Continental Breakfast! Bing Crosby's "Hawaii Complimentary Menehune "Mai-lai" at the Outrigger Hotel! Rent-A-Car Special 1 Day! Airport security chargel Services of a skilled Trade Wind host throughout your stay! plua $12 tax services For FREE brochure, pitas maiteoupon to: Departures through July 1975 YOU AND LEISURE TOURS TRAVEL.Inc. 2064 Union Street San Francisco, CA. 94123 (415)563-2361 Tour prices include round-trip jet transportation from San Francisco, deluxe and first class accommodations, all meats For Brochures and Information Call TRADE VJIHD TOUHS 360 Post St. San Francisco 94108 PHONE (415) 392-6740 OR TOLL FREE (800)652-1020 Nam Addiesi in rnca; 24 Days East Africa Safari From t14M London.

Nairobi, Masai Mara, SerBngetl, Ngorongoro, Lake Mao-yara. Ambosell, Kilimanjaro. Tsavo. Nyeri, Mt. Kenya, Mombasa Z2x82 3ZIS iU31SOd 33HJ UOJ 301 JdO a uepanures inrougn May 1975 mm Mi SEVEN MSW.IORD CARIBBEAN CRUSES.

i our prices inciuae rouna-tnp jet transportation from Los Angeles, deluxe hotels with private bath, tour manager throughout: 16 Days Gaucho Gala From $mt Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil 21 Days Grand Circle ItSM Ecuador, Peru. Argentina. Brazil, Colombia 28 Days South America with Galapagos Cruise $1Mt Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Galapagos Departures through June 1975 tWsMMlKea Outing liumber Four Five Great 9 aU Aft. Veteran' Day Cruise 12 Days 6 Ports, From Port Everglades Oct. 19 to Haiti.

Curacao, Venezuela, Barbados, Martinique, St. Thomas, Port Everglades. Bonus Weak Cruiaa 10 Days Porta, From Port Everglades Nov. 1 to Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, Antigua.

Guadeloupe, St. Thomas. Port Everglades. November Cruise 12 Days 6 Ports, From Port Everglades Nov. 11 to Dominican Republic.

Aruba. St. Lucia, Barbados, Guadeloupe, St. Thomas, Port Everglades. Tour prices include round-trip scheduled jet transportation from San Francisco, deluxe) hotels with private bath, most meals, fully escorted or local hosts: 16 Days Orient Fantasy From trOM Tokyo, Kyoto, Taipei, Hong Kong, Seoul.

Bangkok 21 Days Orient Adventure From $11(1 Tokyo, Kyoto, Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore. Seoul 22 Days Circle Pacific Adventure From $1433 Tokyo, Kyoto, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore, Bali, Sydney, Auckland, Rotorua, Papeete 26 Days Asian Adventure From $1587 Kyoto. Tokyo, Taipei, Bangkok, Kathmandu, Agra, New Delhi, Bombay, Singapore, Hong Kong, Seoul 29 Days Around The World From $2596 Tokyo, Kyoto, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kathmandu, Agra, New Delhi, Teheran, Isfahan, Beirut, Cairo, London Departures through March 1975 Russian River Water Skiing HALF-A-TANK-OR-LESS Round Trip '4 In 4 HI ejmll inn ihiHi I December Sun Cruise 10 Daya 6 Porta, From Port Everglades Dec. 8 to Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St.

Maarten, Antigua, St. Kitts. Nevis. Port Everglades. $490-1 ,870 Thanksgiving.

Cruise 14 Days 7 Ports, From Port Everglades Nov. 23 to Canal Zone, San a Bias Islands, Curacao, Venezuela, Barbados, Martinique. St. Thomas, Port Everglades. Christmas Now Year Cruise 17 Days 10 Porta, From Port Everglades Deo.

18 to Haiti, Jamaica, Canal Zone, San Bias Islands, Curacao. Venezuela, Barbados. St. Lucia, Guadeloupe, St. Thomas, Port Everglades.

Outings From Santa Rosa North from Santa Rosa Historic Old Wineries Fascinating New Wineries Wine Tours and Vineyards Petrified Forest Geysers and Geothermal Generators Russian River Beaches and Water Sports Old Church built from a Wine Barrel Fishing Hunting When you headquarter in Santa Rosa you choose from motels and restaurants that fit every taste and every budget. MAIL COUPON BELOW FOR FREE FOLDER THAT DESCRIBES ALL FIVE HALF-A-TANK-OR-LESS ROUND TRIP OUTINGS Why not take two? Tour prices include round-trip jet transportation via Pan Am. from San Francisco, first class, superior or deluxe hotel accommodations, fully escorted tours: 8 Days Diamond Head Holiday From $269 Waikiki with optional side trip to Kuilima Resort Hotel Days Garden Isle Holiday From $319 Waikiki and Kauai Days Hula Holiday $369 Kauai, Waikiki, Kona and Hilo 10 Daya Hele Mai Holiday From $309 Waikiki 10 Days Makai Holiday From $399 Kona, Kauai and Waikiki 15 Days Alii Holiday $459 Hilo, Kona, Maui, Kauai and Waikiki Departs weekly mm Clip and Mail Thie Coupon mm and the welcome of a European crew of 350.. And 154 of the Vistafjord's cabins are singles, so you don't pay the usual high premium. (102 of these are interconnectingideal if you're travelling with a companion.) See your travel agent soon.

Or call us about the Vistafjord's Caribbean Cruises. CONTINENTAL EXPRESS. Ml Oeery St Room tot. San Francieco. CA Saiot January Caribbean Cruts No.

7 13 Days 7 Ports, From Port Everglades Jan. 4 to San Juan, Phihpsburg, St. Johns. Fort de France, Bridgetown, Kingstown. St.

Thomas, Port Everglades. Please send me your free folder covering all 5 Round Trip Outings. fieaae rusn me your tree: FlyOrive Brochure 11 Europe Brochure -I Chamber of Commerce 637 First Street Santa Rosa, California 95404 Israel Brochure il Caribbean Brochure Africa Brochur Why not indeed? After all, most people who sail with us are delighted "repeat" passengers, on their second or more NAL cruise. And these 10 to 17 day cruises from Port Everglades are shorter than most we So pick any cruise or two. Sail with us through the sunlit magic islands of the Spanish Main on the beautiful new 25,000 ton Vistafjord, the newest, largest, and most spacious ship offering a series of cruises from Florida to anywhere.

Enjoy one sitting In the dining room, Orient Brochure South American Brochure if Hawaii Brochua Of Fhont 392-1409. NAMB. JejjorWjria City Telephone Number ADDRESS. CITY Fuel Surcharge to be added to all fare. The vlitrord li reentered In Norway.

Vlttylord, tha mlcomt baok thip ISO CaHtonls Street Tel. (41S) 95646 -Jin.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2025)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.